Poptropica Lands

While we are still talking about Poptropica Lands, they creators also wanting advice for future Land projects they can incorperate into Poptropica. So far, some good suggestions are changing the health effects of water in different biomes, and also the ability to name your own Land, and have it seen by people on the Map! Here’s two of the tweets.

We're already seeing some incredible creations from Poptropicans who are exploring the newest version of Poptropica Land.Poptropica
From Bony Owl, a steamship having a close encounter with a submarine.
From Cuddly Cloud, a palatial country estate.

Poptropica Islands List

From Friendly Singer, a castle fit for royalty.
This is only the beginning! We're excited to explore even more player-created scenes in Poptropica Land.
Poptropica LandsLandFor now, access to Poptropica Land is available exclusively to Poptropica Members -- so become a Member today and see what you can create!
BLACK WIDOWWe promised earthshaking announcements, and we meant it, literally. Get ready for the next stage of Poptropica Land, coming next week exclusively for Poptropica Members.
Some of you may have played the prototype of Poptropica Land a few months ago. Based on your feedback, we've rebuilt Poptropica Land from the ground up. You can now destroy and rebuild at will, creating whatever your imagination can dream!

Poptropica Lands 3

This is still an alpha, and we're hoping to learn even more from the fantastic things you'll do with this version. We'll let you know the moment the newest version of Poptropica Land is available -- keep an eye out!