Poptropica Bone Puzzle

Apr 02, 2010  Well, I finished Mythology Island and it’s a lot of fun. It’s a pretty long island, kind of like Astro-Knights. There are some really fun parts to this island and some very difficult puzzles to solve. The final battle with Zeus is a lot of fun! Here is the complete video walkthrough for the island.

  • Poptropica Walkthrough - Mythology Island Part 3 - Bone Puzzle Solution
  • By chronodev (Ron)
  • Published 03/8/2012
  • Unrated
Exit the building where you learned the Reed Pipe song and go left, past the tree of immortality. Cross the bridge and reach a statue of the Sphinx and a sign that says 'Meet the Minotaur'. If you look at the golden olive, you get a hint from Athena: Music can open up new doors. There is a door nearby with colored numbers representing a musical sequence with different colors matching the colors on your Reed Pipe, blue, red, green and yellow. Use the Reed Pipe and play the sequence in the same order as the colors appear on the door. The door will open. Enter the cave and go left. You will meet the minotaur.
You can ask him:
Who are you?
Uh... can I please have the ring in your nose?
If you ask him who he is, he tells you that he is the Minotaur and this is his labyrinth. Ask him if you can have the ring on his nose. He tells you that he only grants favors to those who can find the way through his labyrinth. Enter the Labyrinth.
Athena shows up. She tells you that the Labyrinth is a puzzling maze and to use this magic thread to find your way. You get a golden glowing thread which leaves a trail showing you where you have been. Go right in the maze, climb down two chains, then go right and climb up another chain. Go right and you will run into a ghost. You can tell him:
Who are you?
Can you help me through the Labyrinth?
Ask the ghost who he is. He tells you he was once known as Pan. Ask the ghost of Pan if he can help you through the Labyrinth. The ghost tells you to remember this, there is more than one way to reach the bones. Go up and interact with the panel. This is a bones puzzle. It says:
Fifteen Bones of Ancient Men
Take back six, but still leave ten.
Normally, if you take six off fifteen you are left with nine. But the puzzle says 10. You actually need to remove six bones so that the puzzle SPELLS the word 'TEN'.
In the first square, click on the Left Bone, Bottom Bone, and Right Bone, to leave the letter T
In the middle square, just take out the bone to the right, to leave the letter E
In the third square, take out the top and bottom bones to make the letter N
The brick door in front of you opens. Go right and descend down on the chain. Go left, down, and left, and down another chain. There is a Blue Scorpion on the ground, watch out because it can sting you.

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