Poptropica U

Me too.I love Poptropica.I play it since the new release of shark tooth island!(2nd released island).

Be sure to hit the red button on the poptropica elevator. This will take you to the Poptropica Disease Center aka the PDC. Once you get to the bottom, check in with doctor lange. Watch the video about cc13 influenza. After she will give you a camera and dosier which you. Aug 19, 2008 An introduction to the world of Poptropica. Poptropica has a new YouTube channel! Visit us at for all of the l.

Poptropicon Episode 2, Spoiler Alert is here! I have put together the written cheats walkthrough for you. Take a look below!

Poptropicon Island, Episode 2, Spoiler Alert Video Walkthrough


Poptropicon Island Cheats Guide

When you first get into Episode 2 of Poptropicon Island, go talk to the guy in front of the wicked cool news sign. He will give you a cell phone which you will use to take pictures that you will use later on.

The things you need to take pictures of are all of the pieces to the Omegon Costume. There is a mask a chest piece and a cape.

Now that we have the cell phone, we nee to go talk to Stan Ditko.

Poptropica unblocked islands

Hint or Cheat: Stan Ditko is the man standing in front of the booth with his name plastered all over everything!

Ask him if he has any idea where you can find out what Omegon looks like in the might action force movie. He will say someone else was looking for that as well. Now ask him who it was! He will then tell you that it was Sasha Capone, the webmaster of Wicked Cool News; biggest rival, Totally Rad News.

Now ask Stan what she looks like. Once he tells you, you will see her walk through a doorway on your right. Now head right and enter the door that she just went into.

Hint or Cheat: Do not forget to pick up your free Comic Book cover at Stan’s booth!

Now follow Sasha into the Hallway door. When you do so, you will now have to continue to follow her through 1 of 3 doors four different times! Be sure to follow her and not a look alike. For me, the sequence of doors was as follows: Middle, Right, Right, Left.

Once you have successfully followed her, talk to her and tell her that you are in the market for a picture of Omegon. The tell her that you could scrounge up some loose change for the picture. She won’t have time for that so she just gives you her card instead.

Now she will leave for a closed viewing of a movie and she will put her phone in a basket before going in. Go to the basket and try to find it. You will not be able to. Now pull out the calling card to see if you can call it. You will be unsuccessful again! Talk to the guy on your left and he will tell you that there is a tech lounge down the hall. Let’s head there! It’s just to the right and up and section.

From the tech lounge, pull out the calling card and try to call Sasha. Her phone will ring. Head over to the basket and get her phone now!

You will now send the photo you need to your phone. It’s the cape of Omegon. Now for the other two pictures.

Leave the hallway and go to the exhibit hallway. When you are here, pull out your comic cover and we need to copy the costume of the archer on the front.

Now leave the exhibit hallway and now we need to find pieces of the costume. We did this in the first episode if you remember. We find people that are wearing the pieces of clothing we need and we pull out the costumizer and grab what we need from them!

The first person we need to go to is Pinata-Man who is right inside the hallway door hanging from the ceiling. We need to grab his chest piece!

Now leave the hallway and when you get into this section, jump up to the higher hall. Here you will find a character in front of the “Popular Media Collectibles” sign. She has a magnifying glass. Click on her and copy her!

Now jump down and head left to the Demo Area door. Enter it and head right until you get to the knight. Copy his bow.

Now leave the Demo Area and go to the theater which is on your left. Go to the boy on the left of the stage and there is a boy sitting in a chair. Copy his mask!

Now our costume is complete. Let’s head back to the exhibit hall. Jump onto the exhibit thing and let it play out!

When everyone leaves, jump down from the stand you are on and make your way to the second floor in this room. Now take a picture of Omegon’s mask in the glass case!

Now leave this area and go to the demo area. Talk to the lady in front of the “mighty action force card game” booth. She will give you a copy of the game. We need to get good because in order to get the last piece of Omegon’s costume, we need to win a few games.

Hint or Cheat: Please watch the video on how to win! Main goal is to get 13 gems!

Once we have won the first game, we need to look for more cards to strengthen our deck for the next game! Please watch the video to see where all of these cards are! It is hard to explain.

There will be three people that you will need to play to get the last piece of the Omegon Costume. After the last person, which you can find in the video, we can get our new costume. Return to the red haired guy in the main hallway. He will give you all of the pieces you need for the Omegon Costume. Now we just need to put the costume on!

Now we need to enter the theater and the costume contest will begin! After the contest you will get the medallion for completing Poptropicon Island episode 2, Spoiler Alert.

How did the walkthrough guide help you?!

If you need help getting through Escape From Pelican Rock Island, use the official Poptropica walkthrough video above. We show you how to bust out of Pelican Rock Prison, step by step!
For help with some frequently asked questions about Escape From Pelican Rock, read on.

Where are the three eggs for Flambé's omelette?

Poptropica update 2020You must get the eggs on three separate days. When you enter the yard, ask Patches to feed the birds. The bird that flies down to eat will leave an egg behind in its nest. You have a short time to make your way to the nest and get the egg.
The first egg is located on the right, above the basketball hoop.
The second egg is located on the left. Jump on top of the statue of Warden Sharp, then up to the left.
The third egg is located directly above the second egg.

How do I make a dummy head?

After you have chiseled out of your cell, a pile of plaster is left on the ground in the utility corridor. Fill your cup with the plaster.
Take the plaster to the kitchen and dump it into the potatoes.
Now stir. The potatoes become rock-hard!
Then just chisel away at the block of potatoes until you get something that looks like your face.

How do I get the drill bit?

Re-direct the ventilation above the shop so that the air from the license plate machine comes out over the guard's desk.
Overload the license plate machine.

Poptropica Game

When the guard returns to his post, the steam will fog up his glasses. Give the guard your painted corkscrew pasta, and keep the drill bit for yourself.
You're ready. Early Access to Escape From Pelican Rock is available now to Poptropica Members. Get Membership today!

Poptropica Under New Management