Poptropica Reality Tv

Poptropica, a virtual world for kids to travel, play games, compete in head-to-head competition, and communicate safely. Kids can also read books, comics, and see movie clips while they play. Reality TV Island is Poptropica’s 11th island. The island was released on February 24, 2010 for members, and March 24, 2010 for non-members.; Reality TV Island is based on the hit reality game show Survivor.In 2008, the Creators’ Blog had a poll asking what type of island players would like to see, and one of the popular options was called Survivor island.

T.V. Time

When you land on Reality T.V. Island it seems that everyone is obsessed with T.V. and a man named Bucky Lucas. The common room is called Billiards, located to your left. Go inside Mike’s Market. Talk to the man on the far right, reading a magazine.

When he rushes off pick up the magazine that he dropped and leave the store. Time to head over to the “Cockroach Free” Wayside Motel. Grab a pen from the desk and look at the magazine you got. Tear out the Reality Island application first. Then notice that an article says that Bucky stayed in room 4B. Then pick up the phone on the desk and dial 555-7383 A.K.A. 555-PETE, Papa Pete’s Pizza.

Poptropica Reality Tv

5 Star Pizza

When they ask where to deliver it say room 4B. After you order go outside and talk to the pizza delivery gill. She forgot the room number so you can take to pizza and “deliver it for her.” Anyway knock on room 4B. Head inside a talk to Bucky.

You can then talk him into giving you a stamp to mail in an application.

One Letter, One Chance, One Prize

Now go inside the T.V. World store. Click on one of the T.V.s and it will tell you the address for the application. (If you don’t click the T.V. you can watch Balloon Boy!) So take out your application and with your pen, fill it out. Your name and both addresses are already there, so just type in why you should be on Reality Island, but it doesn’t really matter what you type. (And with your mouse you can doodle outside of the typing box!)

Just put the stamp on your letter and put it in the mailbox to the right. The next morning… you won! Now you can just hop in the chopper and fly off to Reality Island and be on T.V.! If you win you get 1 million dollars! Your parents would be so proud. And I bet all the other Poptropicans are so jealous…

There will be different mini games that you have to compete in. If you come in 1st you will not be voted off no matter what. but the person who gets the most votes (most likely second place) will be kicked off the show. Notice how who others vote for and team up on people. But if you vote for someone who doesn’t get kicked off, they will probably vote for you next time. Here are all the mini games and how to beat them.

Balanced Diet

As the brown dot, move your mouse toward the opposite side of the circle to keep it centered and balanced, so it doesn’t fall.

Boulder Push

Click really, really fast to move the boulder across the finish line first.

Coconut Grab

Jump and move around to get as many coconuts as possible. Groups of 2 and 3 are better.

Geyser Guess

Click on a random geyser to stand on. Whoever gets burst up into the air is out. This is just luck and the same geyser can erupt twice in a row!

Hang Gliding

Gide your Poptropican with your mouse to fly across the screen. Watch out for things like birds and volcanoes though!


Aim to shoot and brake plates. Pull farther back to go higher and try to hit the plates that are least destroyed.

Mountain Race

Avoid the rocks as you run uphill. Duck for the rocks that are bouncing and jump over the rolling rocks. Try to stay ahead, because most of the bouncing rocks won’t hit you.

On the Line

Click to cast your line and click again when your hook will grab a fish’s mouth. Shallow catches save time though.

Pole Climb

Click right or left to switch poles and dodge falling coconuts.

Shot Put

Click to aim at a good angle and click again when the power meter is close to the top. Try to throw the farthest, which is between 55 and 60, usually.


Try to slide your puck into the middle of the target. Pulling farther back gives you more power. It also helps if you hit other people’s pucks out of the way.

Turtle Shell Toss

Aim to hit any of the turtle shells. Try to aim for the middle of the palm tree in the background and once you find a good spot don’t move your mouse again!

Totem Hop

When a totem starts to shake, click on a different totem to stay afloat. But you can only jump one totem to another, not long distances, so try not to get stuck!

Water Run

Jump the obstacles and avoid the boar. Fill your bottle completely full and bring it back to your container. Try not to spill your water, so you can be the first to 100%

Contestants You May Face

  • Betty Brownie
  • Betty Jetty
  • Black Widow
  • Bret Batter
  • Busy Bob
  • Cathy Codex
  • Chef Jeff
  • Director D.
  • Dr. Hare
  • Freddy Fry
  • Grandma Gracey
  • Grandpa Grum
  • Helen Hiker
  • Hip Hop
  • Hippie Harry
  • Lassie Lasso
  • Magic Mervin
  • Merry Muse
  • Ned Noodlehead
  • Richie Rebel
  • Rickie Rock
  • Sally Score
  • Sarah Snooty
  • Sickly Skull
  • Slim Slam

Don’t worry if you get kicked off a couple times. You get a photo for it! But when you do win you become famous and get the island medallion. So congrats! You beat Reality T.V. Island! And you can always go back to play the mini games, without restarting the island.

Written By: Spotted Dragon

Hey, Poptropicans! We know a lot of you have been diving into our latest Island minigame bananza, Reality TV: Wild Safari! So here are some tips and tricks on how to MASTER even the hardest mode!

First of all, did you KNOW that you can change the difficulty? You might have missed it, but after you choose your opponents, Jim Probably will ask you if you're ready to go! Your choice from this menu will determine if you play the challenges in Easy, Medium, or Hard mode. Choose wisely, and work your way up!
Deep Dive... I'm kinda bad at Deep Dive, not gonna lie. If you find yourself falling behind, keep an eye on the other players. They'll always take the most direct route to the next set of airbubbles.
Give those pesky jellies a wiiiiide berth, and MASH THAT MOUSE BUTTON.

So did you know that in the Cheetah Run, you can jump not once. Not twice. But FIVE TIMES before you need to touch the ground again? This will help you make sure you can get over the taller obstacles in your path. Lookin at you, meerkats.
Last, but certainly not least, the Spear Toss. I'm definitely best at this one. Maybe it's the adorable baby elephant in the background, idk.
Two main things here: Wind speed, and hitting that bar at the middle of the power meter! The wind determines how much your spear will get pushed to the left and right. The power meter determines how high or low your spear is tossed. You always want to hit the middle for maximum accuracy. And don't forget that each 10 point target gets SMALLER the further you get into the challenge!Poptropica
If you've got any sweet Wild Safari tips, drop them in the comments! Also definitely let us know what other kinds of Island Stuff you guys would like to see here!