Poptropica Mythology Hades

Dec 05, 2012  The full walkthrough cheats for Poptropica Mythology Island with audio commentary. We show you how to beat Mythology on Poptropica. Poptropica, a virtual world for kids to travel, play games, compete in head-to-head competition, and communicate safely. Kids can also read books, comics, and see movie clips while they play.

When you go to Mythology Island in Poptropica games, you will meet some of the Greek Gods. Some of you may not know them and it is better for you to know them. In the game, firstly you will get into a Museum of Olympus on Main Street in Mythology Island. There, you will see fourteen statues of the gods. To know who they are, we are going to introduce you the God Names in this island.


The first is Aphrodite. She is the goddess of love and beauty sprang into life from the foam of the sea. She thinks that she is more beautiful than any flower on Earth. The second is Apollo. He is the original rock star and this shining son of Zeus is god of the sun and music. He is the god of light, healing, knowledge, plague and darkness, the arts, poetry, music, prophecy, the sun, archery, manly youth, and beauty. The third is Ares. He is the god of war. He is tougher than a mixed martial arts fighter. His battle cry alone is able to bring down warriors on the battlefield.

The fourth is Artemis. She is the twin sister of Apollo. She is the goddess of hunting and protector of young animals. Bow and arrow are the things that she always brings. The fifth is Athena. She is the goddess of wisdom and also a warrior goddess. To Athena, olives, snakes and spiders are all sacred. The sixth is Demeter. She is the goddess of grains. She is also the goddess of agriculture, fertility, seasons and nature. The seventh is Dionysus. He is the god of wine. He frequently leads mortals astrays. The eight is Hades. He deadly serious rules the underworld. He is the brother of Zeus and Poseidon. His sacred fruit is pomegranate.

The ninth is Hephaestus. He is the god of blacksmith and other craftsmen. He could star in his own home improvement show if he wanted to. Besides, he also can make armor that no arrow can pierce. The tenth is Hera. She is the queen of Olympus and guardian of women and children. To Hera, peacocks are sacred. The eleventh is Hermes. He is the messenger of the gods. His symbols are the caduceus, winged sandals and cap, tortoise and stork.

The twelfth is Hestia. She is the goddess of hearth and home. When she was a child, she never had in trouble for having a messy room. To her, oil and water are sacred. The thirteenth is Poseidon. He rules the seas from the smallest plankton to the biggest sea monster. His symbols are bull, horse, trident and dolphin. The Fourteenth is Zeus. He beat his brothers, Poseidon and Hades so that he could be a king of the gods. He is king of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus. His symbols are eagle, thunderbolt, scepter, oak tree and scales. Now, you now the Mythology god names. So, you can continue to play the Poptropica.

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