Poptropica E.vile

Choose your weapon and get ready to hack-n-slash your way through Dr. Vile's army of angry robots. Explore a bizarre alien world full of strange creatures and weird vegetation. Fight massive bosses. Become a legend! Legendary Swords is accessible from the Poptropica map and is open to Poptropica Members.

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Island(s)Legendary Swords
Character TypeVillain

E.Vile is the leader of a robot army planning on controlling Poptropica. He is a villain in Legendary Swords.

  • 2Storyline

Characteristics[edit | edit source]

Very little is known about E.Vile due to how short his appearance was in Legendary Swords and the fact that only his head is seen. He wears a giant headpiece resembling a magnet with a visor and the letter 'E' on it. Some parts resembling machinery can also be seen on top of the helmet.

Storyline[edit | edit source]


Role In Legendary Swords[edit | edit source]

E.Vile appears on the mini-island Legendary Swords. He is the leader of a massive army of robots planning on taking over Poptropica. After you defeat his robots, he will appear on a holographic screen and he will begin to mock you. Though you can defeat his robots, he will not fight with you at the end, he will instead mock you via hologram and leave.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • His name, E.Vile, is a pun on the words 'evil' and vile.
  • Very little is known about him as he only appears briefly in Legendary Swords and gives no indication of his character whatsoever.
  • In his hologram, the 'E' on his helmet is backwards due to the hologram being a mirror image.
  • In a blog post[1], Captain Crawfish called him Dr. E.Vile.
  • A picture of his face can be viewed on a small poster for the supposed next chapter of Legendary Swords ('Battle Arena') on Mocktropica while digging through the trash in the basement.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. http://blog.poptropica.com/2012/05/legend-of-free-adventure.html
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