Poptropica King Mordred Puzzle

* To enter Mordred's castle, press all four panels in the 2ndrow, the middle two panels in the 3rd row, and all four panels inthe 4th row of the puzzle.

. To enter Mordred's castle, press all four panels in the 2nd row, the middle two panels in the 3rd row, and all four panels in the 4th row of the puzzle. In the final battle scene in the Bard's. Merlin was created by Mordred to serve as his companion. Mordred was able to create a robotic owl and put a barn owl's brain inside to create Merlin. He probably was fed Mechanical Mice. But the King and Queen thought creations, like Merlin himself, were illegal and unatural.

In the final battle scene in the Bard's planetoid castle, usethe 'skip' button to skip the video after you see it the firsttime. The battle is easier once you know how. (You and Merlinshare a limited amount of health, so avoid being hit or you muststart over.)

  1. As Merlin, fly above the spinning swords, and dodge the redprojectile (flying in circles usually works).
  2. Immediately go down and pick up one of the bombs that the Bard(Mordred) is chucking out. Avoid the red ones because they areabout to explode.
  3. Fly either between or around the sword arms and above thewarrior suit.
  4. Drop the bomb on the control capsule or the green orb as soonas the bomb turns red. It will explode and damage the suit.
  5. Repeat this process, but be wary that TWO of the projectilesmay chase you before you can go down for the bomb.
  6. The second bomb provokes Mordred to zap Merlin.
  7. Jump or dodge the zap coming at YOU now!
  8. Duck down as the warrior suit comes right on top of you. It isnow safe to JUMP UP ON THE ROBOT, and then jump to the Princesspedestal. Dodge any zaps that may be fired during this.
  9. Jump to a chandelier on either side of the room, as the robotsuit rolls right beneath it. When it tries to zap you, it shouldhit the chandelier instead, bringing it crashing down.
  10. Repeat for the other side's chandelier, and the second hit willdislodge the orb and defeat Mordred, freeing the Princess.


Pick up the bombs, and when they flash red, drop them on theorb. When Merlin is knocked out, jump on the warrior. The Princesswill say that you have to jump on the hanging light. Do both sides,and the suit is destroyed. The Princess will be let out of thechamber, to knock out Mordred and take the orb. (You won!)

KingPoptropica King Mordred Puzzle

NOTE: Mordred will only move after firing at you, so you must beon the chandelier quickly, and he will roll underneath.

The Binary Bard is revealed as Mordred. He disguises himself asthe Princess and tricks you into giving him the weapons you havefound. Then he disappears behind a doorway and you must solve apuzzle to follow him into the final room. To solve the puzzle, youhave to press 10 of the panels exactly once each. They are arrangedin 5 rows of four cards each. The easiest way is to press each cardin the 2nd row exactly once (1,2,3,4 or any order). Then press onlythe middle two cards of the 3rd row. Then press each card in the4th row. (for a numbered version see below)


The puzzle door is made of twenty panels; 4 in each row, and 5rows. Numbered from upper left they are:

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Poptropica King Mordred Puzzle Game

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20

Press the panels in this order: 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15,16. As long as you press each one of the cards in the 2nd and 4throws, and the middle ones of the 3rd row, the result is the same.(For an illustratration of this system see the related link 'Solve'below)


Poptropica King Mordred Puzzle Clue


Due to a flaw in the game program, you can begin the finalbattle WITHOUT solving the door. When you arrive, ignore the'Princess' and select 'enter' instead, which bypasses the puzzle.(This doesn't help if you've already talked to the 'Princess'.) Theonly advantage to NOT playing the door puzzle on Astro KnightsIsland is that you get to KEEP the three mystical weapons in youritems (but you can't use them).