Poptropica Early Poptropica

If you are not on the Early Poptropica Island yet, you must go to the island first. You should be on Main Street. Remember to check your Map, if you’re not sure where you are. Go all the way to the right until you come across a sign that says “Early Poptropica”. Click on the sign and go right again to arrive there.

Go to the right where you will see 3 very pixilated-looking men. Talk to the third one. He will tell you that his pig was stolen by a devious spider. Keep going until you see another pixilated man by a well. Speak to him and he will tell you that someone stole their bucket.Poptropica early poptropica walkthrough

Now, there’s a rope next to the man you just talked to. Climb it, and you’ll see another pixilated man on top. He will tell you that they lost their flag.

Poptropica was officially launched in September 2007. As of October 19, 2012, Poptropica has over 498 million users. In early 2010, the Poptropica team added membership for Poptropica users to have an upgraded access to exclusive items from the Poptropica Store, and to play on islands before their release to non-members. In August 2014, they. Apr 02, 2009  You’ll find it in the Poptropica Towers section of Early Poptropica. Jump up on the green building and click on the window with the orange potted flower to get it. Early Poptropica was “established” in 1983, according to the sign you’ll find in that zone. The characters here are appear as pixelated people.

The Glow Stick

Go back to the man who lost a bucket. Go down the well next to him and climb down the rope you are on. You should arrive in the Storage Cavern. Move a little to the left, and jump downward. (To do this, move the cursor to the most bottom left corner and click.)

You should arrive onto a green platform. Now jump to another platform on the top left side of your location. Move a bit to the left then jump to the brown platform located on the left side you are currently standing on.

Climb up the rope, then jump onto another brown platform located to the right of the rope you are holding. Now jump up to the platform above you. You will see a glow stick, get it!

You should have gotten an item – “Glow Stick”. Now exit the Storage Cavern. If you don’t know how, just follow the same steps above that showed you how to reach the glow stick, but backward!

The Pig

Now go back to Main Street. Go left until you see a manhole on the ground next to the Soda Pop Shop. Click on the manhole to go down. You should be clinging onto a rope, climb all the way down to get inside the pit. Once inside, jump down to the left where there should be a woman wearing a skull shirt.

The Old Poptropica Game

Go past her and jump on the platform. On the right , jump again onto a moving platform. Watch out for the little purple spiders hanging above you! If you touch them you will get knocked over. At the end of the ride, jump down to another platform. Then another platform is next to it – jump onto that.

From there jump onto the platform you see on your right, then to the left side, and onto the platform to the left of the one you are standing on. Climb down the rope below that platform. Now wait for a moving platform to get near, and then jump on it!

At the end of the ride you should see a pixellated pig. Jump down and grab it. You should obtain an item – “Prized Porker”. Beware of the huge spider guarding the pig, because it will knock you over if you bump into it! Now stay where you are and follow the next instructions!

The Golden Egg

You should still be in the pit, where you’d just grabbed the pig. From the bottom of the pit (where the pig was), go all the way to the left until you reach the end. Click on the end to “Go Left”. You should appear in a tunnel. Go left again. Now you should be in a dark place.

You can only see by using your Glow Stick. Now go all the way to the left until you see a rope. Climb up the rope until you reach a place where you have to go either left or right.

Now go right until you pass by 2 ropes. Climb the second rope, which you should reach at a dead end. Go left until you see another rope, climb again.

Once you are up that rope, go left until you see a huge golden egg. Grab it! You should have gotten an item – “Golden Egg”. Now go back to Main Street. If you are not sure how, just follow the same steps above that showed you how to reach the golden egg and the prized pig, but backward!

Reaching the Skies

Once on Main Street, go all the way to the left until you reach a sign that reads, “Poptropica Towers”. Click that sign. Go left and you now reached the Poptropica Towers. Run all the way to the left until you see a brown building.

Jump up on the first, second and third window ledge of that building and stop at the fourth. From there, jump up to the left side.

You should land on a stone statue. From the statue, jump to the roof of a red building on the left. From there, jump again to the left side, where you should now find yourself on the window ledge of a blue building.

Keep jumping up onto the window ledges above you and stop when you reach the blue building’s roof, which looks like a mini-restaurant. Between the 2 tables should be a vine. Go up the vine!

The Bucket


Once up, you should be in the skies. (Note: The Map labels this place as “The Purple Giant”) Go all the way to the left until you see a huge pair of feet.

Click on them to talk to the giant. You will give him the Golden Egg and he will lift up his spiky weapon and let you pass. Now go right and another right turn. You should now be in the Giant’s Garden. A gardening tool is now in front of you.

Walk on it as if it was a ramp and you should soon be doing the same to a vine. Now jump off of the vine, and land on some gigantic vegetables. Jump off of the vegetables and pick up the pixellated-looking bucket on the ground. You should acquire an item – “Water Bucket”.

The Flag

Now go to the right and another right turn. You should arrive in the Aircraft Graveyard. Jump onto the cans in front of you, as well as onto the brown aircraft.


Now jump onto the red and white aircraft, and jump off from there to grab the jet pack on the yellow table. You should have acquired an item called “Jet Pack”. You can wear this and fly!

Please note that this item can only be worn on Early Poptropica Island. Make sure that you put on the jet pack and fly back to Main Street. Now, go all the way to the right until you reach the top of a gray water tower.

You should see a pixellated flag. Fly over to it to grab it! You should have acquired an item – “Signal Flag”. Now go back to Early Poptropica.

Returning the Items

Go back to the pixellated man who said his pig was stolen. Talk to him, and the item “Prized Porker” will be removed from your inventory, and the man’s pig will be returned.

Now go to the pixellated man by the well. Talk to him, and the item “Water Bucket” will be removed from your inventory as well as the well’s bucket . Now go to the pixellated man who said the Early Poptropicans’ flag was lost.

Talk to him, and the item “Signal Flag” will be removed from your inventory, and will be returned to the flagpole next to the man.

Claiming Your Reward

You’ve earned it. Now go get it. Climb down the rope near the man with the flag, and go right. There should be a boat at the very right with another pixellated person.

Talk to the person on the boat, and he will reward you with a medallion! You can wear the medallion by going to your Early Poptropica Inventory and selecting the “Island Medallion” card. Click on “Put On”. You will also be awarded 100 credits which can be spent at the Poptropica Store. Congratulations!