Poptropica 6 Months

  1. Poptropica 6 Months Pregnant
  2. Funbrain Poptropica 6
Poptropica 6 months 3It's time to announce the winners of the 2020 Poptropica costume design contest! We got A LOT of entries, and it was so exciting to see what kinds of looks you guys have in mind for the game!
Remember, even if your drawing doesn't appear on this list, it has without a doubt made a valuable impression on our art team as we move forward into the new year! There will also be more contests and opportunities to be featured on Poptropica very soon. Remember, all art is subjective, so if you didn't place as high as you would have liked, don't let it get you down! The best part of this contest was seeing artists of all experience levels share their ideas with us!

Poptropica 6 Months Membership For $3.33/mo It' as easy as a pie to buy your most ideal items with less money. Poptropica offers a large selection of PC Games products at an alluring price. $$$ at poptropica.com is in the control of you.

Now... Without further ado... the winners!
The winner of the Grand Prize, whose design will be created for the in-game Store and will be given 6 months of free membership, is Instagram user @bianca_donka!
We chose Bianca's Lightning Wielder for its snappy gesture, sharp silhouette, and strong stylistic integrity to the Poptropica aesthetic! This Poptropican is gonna give Zeus a run for his money, with lightning powers and, might I add, MUCH cooler hair. Additionally, it would be a crime not to share these other drawings she sent with her entry:

Maybe we need to start giving Poptropicans eyebrows...
Runners up!! These Poptropicans will each get a free month of membership! In no particular order, we have:
PoptropicaSunflower Cordial, by @otheraccidk! Our art director really likes this one for its 70's-style look. Both looks are simple and effective with a unique flair and a great color scheme. Well done!!

Porcelain Chicken, by @bylophim! This is one of my absolute favorites. I love the little chick followers! Especially the guy with a tiny crack pecking at the ground T_T I'd look amazing with a chicken hat...
Poptropica 6 Months

Rounding off the runners up is RadioactivePup with Sharp Beatz! This electrifying look is designed to react to the background music with that sweet soundbar visor, and I've always wanted a pair of those cat ear headphones.

Finally, but certainly not least, the Honorable Mentions! You will find all of these artists' IG handles on their respective artwork, so make sure to give them a follow. This community is full of so many amazing artists and designers!

Poptropica 6 Months Pregnant

Funbrain Poptropica 6

That's all, folks! Thanks again to EVERYONE who took the time to create an entry, and remember that we always love seeing what you come up with! The Lightning Wielder will be zapping into a Store near you in the near future!
Players can register a parent email address with Poptropica. This allows the account password to be reset quickly using a password reset email sent to the parent. A child must have input a parent email address and the parent needs to have verified the email address before the 'forgot password' function will work. To reset the password, begin by entering the username in the Login box on the New Player/Login page, along with anything in the password box (do not leave it blank), and then click the 'Sign In' button. Poptropica will pop up an error box; close it, and Poptropica will display a red 'forgot password' button. Click that 'forgot password' button to get a popup asking if you want to send an email. Click the 'OK' button. Poptropica will send an email to the parent with instructions for creating a new password for the child's account. If the 'Forgot Password' button does not appear, it means the player's account does not have a parent email address recorded and verified for this purpose. You can contact customer service for assistance. Visit the 'Contact Us' page. Then reach the inquiry form by clicking Game Questions > Forgot Password.