Poptropica Survival 5 Rope

  1. Poptropica Cheats Survival 3

Sep 11, 2014 This is the video guide for Poptropica Survival Island, part 5 (Escape). The hunt is on! In the darkness before dawn, can you turn the tables on your pursuer and escape the woods once and for all? Nov 13, 2015  Poptropica cheats and walkthroughs for the fifth episode of Survival Island. Survival: Escape Cheats and Walkthroughs - Poptropica Creators' Blog Toggle navigation. Survival island ep.3-5. Classic editor. Go back to the tree with the box of lemons and climb up to the branch with the rope attached. Poptropica Wikia is.

Mystery of the Map

A lost Viking settlement… an island unstuck in time… a magical map with power beyond understanding… and a devious plot that could unravel the very fabric of Poptropica! Join Mya, Oliver, and Jorge for a thrilling new adventure that lifts the veil from the greatest secret of all: the origin of Poptropica!
This island is based on the graphic novel of the same name, Mystery of the Map.

Written Guide

You'll drop in on one of your most exotic locales yet, a deserted tropical island. Wait, it's not deserted! Go to the right, and Octavian, the man on the blimp, will talk to you and give you a map. This map has the power to transport you anywhere on the island by clicking on the location, but you have only a corner of a larger map.
Now use the map and click on Camp, which is in the lower left. Go left and click on the shovel to collect it. Then return to the Jungle using the map. Go all the way right, past the tree with the blimp, to the beach. Go right to the mound of sand near the ship and USE the shovel to dig out the area. You'll discover a convenient Battle Axe.
Go back left and USE the axe while under the tree. The tree will be cut down, and Octavian is free!

Sneaking Into the Fortress

Collect the rope from the ground, and then go to talk to Octavian. He'll tell you that there is a magical map of all of Poptropica -- imagine the power this map would give the owner! Our next lead is the Fortress. Click on it on the map, in the top. We can't enter it yet due to the heavy guard, but go underneath it and all the way to the left, to the trash pit. Go in the center (they're getting creative with the dumpster-diving variants) and pick up the goblet.
Now go to the Waterfall and go under the water. Swim left until you get to the fish, then USE the goblet. You will now be holding it. Go to a fish and click on it, and you will capture it in the goblet. Now come back up to the surface and go to the Dodos, in the center of the map.
Go down and stand next to the giant skeleton. USE the goblet. The hungry dodos will rush towards you, running off the scene with their fish, Ice Age-style. Now you can go right, climb up to their nest, and collect the blue shining lens.
Just one more item needed to complete our master plan. Use the map to go to the Camp in the bottom left. Go past the sleeping man in the tent and collect the gunpowder. Then go to the Waterfall again. Climb up the ledges until you get to the very top, then go up. Ah, a nice and peaceful mountaintop clearing... not for long. Go left and USE the gunpowder to set it down near the boulders. Then USE the rope to make a fuse. Get into the shaft of light, then USE the lens to focus light on the end of the rope. Take cover... BOOM! It goes off, and a rockslide is created. This changes the direction of the entire river, flooding the bottom of the Fortress. (Woohoo, needless explosions and environmental damage all in one step.)

Escaping the Fortress

Go to the Fortress, then swim across to the left. USE the axe on the wooden stump to drop it and create a bridge. Walk across and click on the trash pipe, and you will enter the building!
Immediately, you'll be asked to serve drinks to the diners. *grumble* Click on the tray of drinks and go to the table. Click on the big person and he will sit down to eat. Then, grab his furs which is rested against the back of his chair. Go all the way left, into the throne room. Here, Erik the Red is holding a trial to get his goblet back. Whoops... now how do we give it without bringing blame upon ourselves? Go back to the main hall and grab the tray of drinks. USE the goblet, and you'll put it in the tray. Then take the tray back to the throne room and serve drinks to everyone. Thorlak, on the left, will take the goblet and invoke the wrath of his brother! He'll throw his crown. Now go right and pick up the crown, then go right to the main hall.
Jump up to the mantle of the fireplace, and grab the pot of drippings that are there. Go all the way right, to the room marked by a pig. Aha! So Octavian is the villain after all! The guard will come in and you can't go any further. USE the drippings, and he will be run over by a horde of stampeding pigs! Go right and USE the axe to break the lock open. Woohoo! A free candy bar from Jorge... a half-eaten one... anyway, now we have to find a disguise.
Turns out we already have one! USE thee furs and the crown. All four of you can pile into the gigantic suit, and walk out the hall to the chute But It's not that simple. The tower will start to bend, and you can't let it hit the ground. To avoid that, walk in the direction of the bend. If it's bent a lot, run; otherwise, walk slowly until it is only slightly bent. If it's slightly bent to the left, don't keep going until it starts to bend a little more. That way, you don't topple over in the opposite direction. Finally, you're at the chute. Uh-oh... here comes the big guy!
Now you've all escaped, but you're on the waterfall, heading for certain doom! In addition to that, Big Red is chucking boulders at you as you try to navigate the stream. You can hold the mouse and drag to move the raft. Since moving back is slower than moving forward, you should start moving back right after he has thrown a boulder, then shoot forward to dodge the next one that is coming. Repeat until you reach the end of the falls, and are violently launched off. Woohoo, we escaped the Vikings!
But wait, there's more... Octavian! We've got to trap him here. Throw him a candy bar. He'll catch it reflexively, then... the dodos start chasing him! Thankfully for us, he will merely run away rather than dropping the bar. Hooray, the map has been reclaimed! Now claim your gold medallion. Another island quest conquered... but this isn't the last we'll be seeing of Oliver, Jorge and Maya.

Survival Island is the first episodic island released by Poptropica. Instead of arriving all at once, it was released in five separate episodes. The story follows your sudden crash landing on a strange island, your immediate need to seek warmth, food and shelter, and then some unsettling discoveries about who lives on this island. Here are all the details, including the full walkthroughs and cheats for all five episodes of Survival Island in Poptropica.

Survival Island Episode 1 – Crash Landing

Night has fallen and the temperature is dropping. Alone in the forests of the Yukon, you must find a way to build a fire — but time is running out.

Episode 1 Walkthrough

Poptropica Cheats Survival 3

You’ll begin the first episode of Survival Island with a short cinematic featuring your balloon crashing into the wilderness. Your goal for this episode is to collect all the necessary materials to start a fire and stay warm. The episode starts with you hanging helplessly from a tree. Fear not: just click on the screen below your avatar and you’ll drop harmlessly to the ground.

Walk over to the left and you’ll find a Survival Handbook on the ground. Pick it up to place it in your backpack — you’ll need it!

Now go to the right and you’ll see a gnarled tree with exposed roots above an ice pond. Jump up on the branches to get to the top, where you’ll find a missing page for the survival handbook.

Keep moving to the right until you find a rock pile. Up above this rock pile and to the left you’ll find a dead branch. Jump onto the dead branch to cause it to fall and break apart into a pile of logs, which you’ll need for your fire.

Once again, keep running to the right. You’ll encounter a squirrel running up a tree. You’ll need to follow him up to his squirrel hole, but the way to get there is a bit complicated, since you can’t climb a tree like a squirrel. Instead, you’re going to run all the way to the left, to the edge of this area. You’ll find a woodpecker here, and he’ll fly off to the right. Jump through the branches and follow the woodpecker to his next spot. He’ll fly off again. Keep following him until he reaches the tree with the squirrel inside the hole. The squirrel will cover his ears, totally annoyed by the noise, and leave. This will allow you to collect the squirrel’s nest, which you can use as tinder for your fire.

Drop down to the ground and go to the right, entering the next map section.

Keep moving to the right and you’ll come to a large tree with a hole in it. Pick up the pile of wet kindling under the tree.

There’s another handbook page in the tree right above you. Pick it up to place it inside your survival handbook.

Run to the right again and enter the next map section.

You’ll be running on top of a fallen tree. There’s a hole here that you’ll drop into so that you’re inside the dead and hollow tree trunk. There’s a small family of hibernating rodents here. Run a few steps to the left, and pick up the mittens that have been placed inside the tree. How did they get there?

Jump back up outside of the hollow log and proceed to your right. There’s a tree here with another page from the handbook in the branches. Pick up the page to add it to your collection.

Walk a few more steps here and you’ll find a huge boulder. You’re going to need to move this rock, but you can’t push it with just your hands. You need a little leverage–and now we’re off to find some!

Run all the way to the left, back to the starting area, and then go left once more to enter another area of the map. A few steps away, you’ll find the fourth page of the survival handbook. You will also see a bag hanging from the branches in the tree above you. To get this bag, you need to go to the left and jump up into the branches. Once you reach the bag, click on it, and an item will fall out of it and land on the ground. Jump down and use your mittens to clear the snow. You’ve found the striker, a tool you can use to spark your fire.

Keep moving to the left and you’ll soon come to a tree stump with an axe sticking out of it. Put on your mittens (you need to have them on) and click on the axe handle. It will come out of the stump and you will place it in your backpack. You’ll use the axe handle later to pry the large boulder loose.

While you’re here, pick up the fifth and final page of the survival handbook.

Run all the way to the right until you get back to the large boulder. Equip the axe handle from your backpack and then click on the boulder twice. The first time, it will roll a little. Click on it a second time to push it even further. It will drop, and a piece will chip off. Pick up this piece, which you’ll use as flint for your fire.


The other thing that happens when you roll the boulder is that you’ve created a spot on the ground that is shielded from the wind. According to the survival guide, you need this to properly build a fire. Now you just have one problem: the only kindling you have is wet. That won’t do! We need to find some wood that is dry. Hey, how about looking inside the cave just to the right?

Once you get inside the cave, you’ll discover there’s a hibernating bear inside. If you wake him, he’ll chase you out. The trick is to pay attention to the bat who enters the cave with you. When he flies up, there’s a ledge there (you won’t be able to see it — just jump!) and you can use that to cross over the sleeping bear. Drop down on the other side and you’ll find some dry kindling. Go back over the bear and leave the cave.

Now you have everything you need to build a fire. Go to the sheltered spot to the left of the boulder and then click on the fire icon in the lower-left part of your screen. Follow the fire building steps that are outlined in your survival handbook.

  1. First, use the mittens to completely clear a patch of ground beneath the snow.
  2. Next, place the tinder (the squirrel’s nest) down.
  3. Then light the fire with the striker and tinder.
  4. Now “blow” on the fire with your mouse cursor (drag it up and down where it says to blow).
  5. Place the dry kindling on the fire.
  6. Finally, place the logs on the fire.

You’ve done it! You now have a warm fire in a sheltered spot and you’ve completed Episode 1 of Survival Island. Congratulations!

Survival Island Episode 2 – Hook, Line and Sinker

With no help in sight, your hunger threatens to overtake you. Can you catch your next meal under the ice — or will you become fish food?

Episode 2 Walkthrough

Poptropica survival 5 rope walkthrough

Survival Island Episode 3 – Distress Signal

A broken radio. A chance for rescue. Send a distress call if you can, but beware of who might be listening!

Episode 3 Walkthrough

Survival Island Episode 4 – Cabin Fever

Your rescuer offers a hot meal and a comfy bed, but you’re not his guest — you’re a prisoner. Can you escape the wilderness lodge before his next hunt begins?!

Episode 4 Walkthrough

Episode 5 – Escape!

The hunt is on! In the darkness before dawn, can you turn the tables on your pursuer and escape the woods once and for all?

Episode 5 Walkthrough