Poptropica Vampire's Curse Full Walkthrough

Vampire’s Curse Island was the 25th island released in Poptropica. It was announced on February 7 2012 on the official creator’s blog, and the official release in early access was on March 1 2012. Only paid members could play the complete quest in early access, but all players could enjoy a short demo of the island.

Poptropica Announces Vampire’s Curse Island « Poptropica Cheats and Walkthroughs says: February 8, 2012 at 1:18 pm heard from Captain Crawfish at Poptropica that the game’s next adventure will be Vampire’s Curse Island! Hey everyone, it's your friend Thinknoodles and welcome to my YouTube channel! Join me, my dog Kopi and other friends on our adventures in video games.

Vampire’s Curse Island Walkthrough

Here is the complete step-by-step walkthrough of Poptropica Vampire’s Curse Island. The video walkthrough is first, courtesy of PoptropicaSecrets.com. The written walkthrough is below.

The Beginning of Vampire’s Curse Island

  • Once you arrive by blimp, there’s a woman crying. Talk to her and she’ll let you know that her daughter is missing. This will start your quest and you’ll see a message telling you that two teenagers have been kidnapped by the vampire Count Bram. You need to go to the castle to find them.
  • Go all the way to the right and to the next area.
  • Christopher (the boyfriend) is here, sitting on the rocks. He explains that Katya was taken away by Count Bram. He’s not interested in helping with the rescue and runs back to town to meet other cute girls.
  • Jump up onto the rocks. A werewolf appears and runs you down.
  • Go to the tree with a hole in it and click it to hide inside the tree trunk.
  • When the werewolf returns, click on the branch to the left to make it knock the werewolf out.
  • Click on the tree trunk again to come back outside.
  • Go to the right and head up the steps. Jump through the vines/ropes hanging down from the bridge up above.
  • You’ll get to a tree branch and another werewolf will appear and knock you down. You will both fall.
  • When you land on the ground below, you get a new item in your backpack. It’s a log.
  • Go back again up the stairs and through the ropes. You’ll get to the top left corner of this zone.
  • Another werewolf comes running past and then runs off to the right. He stops on the rope bridge and guards it, stopping you from passing.
  • All you need to do, though, is click on the bridge to cut the ropes. The werewolf and you both fall down, but you can then use the rope bridge as a ladder and head up the cliff.
  • Walk to the right to enter the next zone.

Outside the Castle of Count Bram

  • There’s a graveyard here. Walk past the gravestones until you see the big one with a doorway. This is the masoleum. Go inside.
  • Grab the teen vampire novel and the crowbar from inside the tomb and then head back outside.
  • Go to the right until you get to a gargoyle statue next to a large hole in the ground. To the left is a drainpipe attached to a small building.
  • Click on the drainpipe to break it off and then carry it to the statue. Click again to drop it.
  • Now jump onto the red handle. This is a pump that makes the gargoyle statue spit water out. The water will land in the drainpipe and then flow into the ditch, filling it completely.
  • Swim across the ditch to the right and then walk through the stone archway to get to the next zone.
  • Now you’ll see a bunch of large boulders on the ground. There are three. Push the first one on top of one of the holes in the ground where water is coming out. This blocks the hole and makes the water go higher from the other three holes.
  • Use the crowbar to pry the next rock free and then push it onto one of the other holes. The water pressure builds in the two open holes and it shoots even higher.
  • Jump up to the right and walk on the platform until you find the third boulder. Push it down and then push it over the third hole. Now the water is shooting really high!
  • Jump into the water spout and let it carry you up to the window ledge above. Then go inside the window.

Inside the Castle

  • It’s really dark here but there’s a fireplace with embers still burning. Put the log and the teen vampire novel from your backpack on the fire to get it burning again.
  • Find the ladder and push it so that it’s in front of the bookcase on the left.
  • Take one of the pink candles and light it with the fireplace.
  • Climb up the ladder, walk to the left and jump up to the platform above and to the left. Jump again onto the small platform and then up and to the right onto the chandelier. The candle will light the chandelier and then melt.
  • Go back down and get another candle. This time, don’t light it in the fireplace. Go back to the first chandelier and it will light while you’re standing on it.
  • Now jump up and to the right to get to the second chandelier. Light it with the candle.
  • Repeat this for the remaining two chandeliers. When all four have been lit, the room lights up completely and you can see everything.
  • Go back to the bookshelf on the left. On the floor is a small green item. Walk over it to pick it up. It’s a glass eye!
  • Climb up the ladder and go to the top of the bookshelf. There’s a tiger head here. Put the glass eye into the empty eye socket. The tiger’s mouth opens, revealing a key. Take the key, which will open the door to the next room.
  • Jump down and go to the left to the door. Use the key to unlock it and you’ll be inside the armory.
  • Walk/jump to the left and get the crossbow. Then walk over to the cannon. Pick up a cannonball from the ground and click on the cannon to load it.
  • Go back into the library and get another candle. Light it in the fireplace.
  • Run over to the cannon and light the end of it. It will shoot the cannonball out the window and the force of the shot makes the cannon flip around and point the other way.
  • Load the second cannonball into the cannon. Run back to the fireplace and get another candle and light it.
  • Return to the cannon and light it again. This time, the cannonball shoots out to the right and rolls into the library room.
  • Load the third cannonball into the cannon, which is now pointing straight up.
  • Head back to the library and push the cannonball in front of the fire. It will heat up and start glowing red.
  • Click on the poker next to the fireplace. Use the poker to push the cannonball into the open dumbwaiter to the left of the fireplace.
  • Get one more lit candle. Light the cannon and it will shoot a cannonball straight up through the roof.
  • Jump up on the cannon and then into the room above, where you’ll find a bucket. Put it in your backpack.
  • Go back down and into the library. Run to the right to the door with chains on it. Use the crowbar to break the chains and open the door.
  • Go outside and then use the bucket while standing next to the stream of water to fill the bucket up.
  • Next head all the way back to the armory and jump up on to the top of the cannon.
  • Equip your crossbow and point it up to the wall on your left. Using the space bar, shoot repeatedly to create a ladder of arrows going up and down the wall.
  • Quickly jump up from arrow to arrow until you reach the small room at the very top.
  • Use the crowbar to open the boarded window and then use the filled bucket of water on the plant. It will grow huge very quickly and bust out of the window and over the side of the castle.
  • Go outside the window and head up the steps to the right. When you reach the outside of the tower, jump up on the leaves of the plant.
  • Go into the tower window and you’ll be inside Count Bram’s Laboratory.
  • Walk to the right and click on the dumbwaiter. The cannonball you put inside earlier will roll out and stop at the bottom of the flask of wolfsbane. It will heat it up and wilt it.
  • Click on the wolfsbane to put it in your backpack. Next, get the notebook on the desk and jump up onto the shelves to get the garlic.

Finding Katya

  • Go out of the laboratory through the wooden door and cross the top of the castle wall to the next tower.
  • You’re now inside the count’s chamber. Jump onto the top of the coffin and next jump up to the left. Jump up to the right to land on the cage that’s hanging. Katya is locked inside. Talk to her and she’ll tell you what has happened. She’ll also tell you to find a book in the library to help you get the third ingredient for the serum. Leave for now to the right, falling all the way to the ground outside. Go back into the library through the door.
  • Push the ladder over to the bookshelf on the right side. Climb up and grab the book titled, Root Causes. Inside, it has a picture of where to find the mandrake root.
  • Go outside and proceed through the stone arch to the castle grounds.
  • Walk to the right and you’ll see a wooden wall. Use the crossbow again to shoot arrows into it and jump up them until you get to a stone ledge above you. Here is the mandrake root.
  • Go all the way back to the laboratory and then click on the microscope.
  • Use the eyedropper to mix the ingredients and then put them on the cells. The correct ratio is one drop mandrake, three drops wolfsbane, and three drops garlic extract.
  • You’ll get a new item in your backpack: an anti-vampirism serum syringe. Go out the door and return to Bram’s chamber.
  • Walk to the right and you’ll see a small gate. Click on the sparkling rod in the umbrella bucket. Use it to hook the key inside the gate.
  • Jump back up to the suspended cage and use the key to unlock it and free Katya.
  • Count Bram will return to the chamber and Katya leads you on a desperate escape.
  • Follow Katya and use the garlic to keep Count Bram away from you. When you get to the top, Katya will give you back the syringe of serum.
  • Aim your crossbow at Bram and shoot him with the serum. He will knock you down inside the library.
  • Count Bram turns back into a human and thanks you for saving him. He then disappears into dust and rejoins his long-lost love, Annabelle, in the portrait above.
  • Katya’s boyfriend Christopher bursts into the room claiming he’s here to save Katya. They kiss.
  • You pick up the island medallion from the ground, where Count Bram’s cape is. You beat Vampire’s Curse island!

The official info page for the island says this as the description…


For centuries, a truce has existed between the people of a remote mountain village, and the vampire who lives in the castle high above. Now, that truce is shattered, and Count Bram has captured a young villager. Can you rescue her from his evil clutches — and avoid being struck by the vampire’s curse?

Bonus Items

With new islands, the Poptropica Creators have been releasing special bonus items to paid members ahead of the island release. This started with S.O.S. Island and continues with Vampire’s Curse. The items that paid members can get are:

  • Vampire Count and Countess outfits
  • Garlic Breath Power
  • Vampire Bat Gum
  • Shark Boy shows off some screenshots from the upcoming Vampire's Curse Island.

Vampire's Curse Island

For centuries, a truce has existed between the people of a remote mountain village, and the vampire who lives in the castle high above. Now, that truce is shattered, and Count Bram has captured a young villager. Can you rescue her from his evil clutches -- and avoid being struck by the vampire's curse?


Poptropica Cheats for Vampire's Curse Island

Once you land on the island, talk to the woman to your right. She's Katya's mother. Katya and her boyfriend Christopher have gone missing! Accept this quest and talk to the man to the left of you. Then run right and the man there will tell you they have gone near Bram's castle. Keep going right, past the cows. It looks like this town is out in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, lightning erupts from the sky! An electrical storm has started. Run right and talk to the ticket person and the two kids. Then keep going right, past the posters. The woman there will inform you that Katya and Chris love vampires, and that they've probably decided to go to Bram's castle to see a real one. Go right, to Bram's castle.
Ooh, looks creepy! Talk to Chris here. He'll tell you how Count Bram 'came out of nowhere' and 'took Katya away'. Then he tells you he's not rescuing her. What a wimp! Keep going right, jumping over the rock. Oh great! Here comes a mad wolf! He'll knock you off. Climb back up, but stay away from him. Drop down and walk right. Hide in the tree, and click on the branch to swing it. This can be used against the wolf. Leave and keep going right. Climb up the steps, all the way to the top. You'll find you can't squeeze through the door. Jump left and climb to the top of the vine, then slide off left. Run left and jump to the branch. SNAP! The wolf will break the branch and you will be dropped. You will, however, receive a log. Climb back there and jump up to the vines. Make your way left and drop to the platform to the very left. Keep going and climb the vine here. Slide off right, then past the rock column. Yaaah! The wolf is back!
Run back and cut the rope there. The bridge will tumble down, dropping the wolf. Go there and use the wooden platforms to climb up. Run right and go right. Read the tombstones, then go into the first shack. Grab the crowbar and the novel that Katya dropped. Keep going and break the gutter off the little shack. Carry it to the fountain and jump on the handle. Water will pour out of it, flooding the spike pit. Swim across and go into the castle. Run left and pry the second boulder from the hole using the crowbar. Push them both to the fountains. They will clog them up, making the other two spout harder. Run right, across them. Climb the rock ledges and push the rock at the top to the left. Then come down and let the water push you up. Use your mouse to fall to the left. Enter through the window.
Walk right, to the fireplace. Use your log, then pump the thingy to the left. Maybe a little paper will help... Tear a page from the book you found, then put it on the fire. Pump it three more times, and voila! It lights up. Grab a candle from the table to the right and bring it to the fire to light it. Look around the hall. Run right and to the movable ladder. Push it all the way to the left. Climb it, and jump your way up to the chandelier. Light it up, then come back for another candle. Repeat this with another chandelier, which can be accessed by jumping right from the one your lit up before. Jump up and to the chandelier again. Use your candle to light up the next one to the right. Repeat, this time with another chandelier to the right of that one. But for this last one, you will probably fall onto the platform below, so you have to walk right, jump up, then left again if this happens. So, you basically light all the chandeliers in a row above you. Finally, the whole hall is lit up! *NOTE: you can also light the candle using the already-lit chandeliers*
Get back to the fire and walk left, until you find a yellowish shiny round object on the floor. Pick it up, then climb the ladder. Get to the platform above and drop off to the left. Fit the eye onto the tiger head, and it's mouth will open, revealing a key. Pick it up and drop down. Use it to open the locked door to the left of the hall. Whoa! You're now in the armory. Jump left and pick up the crossbow. Walk to the very left and click on a stone to load it into the cannon. Then leave the armory. Flick the switch to call the dumbwaiter. Grab a candle and light it, then get back to the armory and set off the cannon. It'll swing around and aim at the floor. Get another candle and bring it to the fuse to set off the cannon again (but load a ball into it first). It'll shoot the ball out of the armory and aim upward. Leave the armory again and push the ball to the fire. It'll get too hot to touch, but you can grab the metal stick and use it to shove the ball into the dumbwaiter. Grab another candle and set off the cannon. Remember, the candle has to touch the fuse rope. It'll blow a hole in the ceiling and you can climb through it.
Walk right and collect the bucket. Then equip your crossbow. Aim it and the drawbridge, and fire off a few rounds to make a little ladder. Climb it very quickly, so that you don't fall down, to the greenhouse. Use the crowbar to pry the boards from the window. This will shine light on the plant on the ground. Now you need to fill the bucket with water somehow. Drop down back to the armory and leave. Run all the way right and use the crowbar to pry open the door. Leave the castle and drop down to the left. Fill up the bucket and get back to the greenhouse. Sprinkle some water on the plant and -- it'll grow into a huge stalk! Leave through the window. Follow the stalk and climb it into the laboratory. Run right, and collect Count Bram's notebook. It has information on how to break the vampire curse. Run right and activate the dumbwaiter. It'll bring the hot stone up, and heat up the wolfsbane. Then you can jump over there and collect it. Click on the huge container to turn into a flying tomato! Float over to the shelf and grab the garlic. Leave the room through the door and run right. Enter through this door. You will find yourself in Count Bram's chamber.
Run all the way right and you'll find a key. But you can't get to it through the bars. Climb the coffin and jump left to the bed. Bounce off it to the right and you'll find yourself face-to-face with Katya! She'll tell you to look for a book called 'Root Causes' in Bram's library. Leave the room and rush left. Climb down the stalk and into the hall through the armory. Get behind the ladder and push it to a little past the fireplace. Climb it and grab the book, Root Causes. If you read it, you'll find some information about the mandrake root. There's also a picture of where it might be. Leave the hall. Go left and leave the castle entrance area. Run all the way right, to the drawbridge. Shoot some arrows there to make a little ladder, then climb it to the top and jump left to collect the mandrake root. Then reenter the castle, enter the hall, go to the armory, and climb out through the greenhouse. Make your way to the laboratory.
Walk right and click on the microscope. You'll find the three ingredients to the left, and a key marking the vampire cells and living cells. In the plate is a collection of five vampire cells. Here are the purposes of the ingredients:
  1. Garlic Extract, to preserve the living cells
  2. Wilted Wolfsbane, to alter Count Bram's monstrous genes
  3. Mandrake Root, to restore cell growth
What we have to do is transform the vampire cells into healthy ones and preserve them. The formula is...Poptropica
  1. 1 unit Mandrake Root
  2. 3 units Wilted Wolfsbane
  3. 3 units Garlic Extract
Mix this into the syringe and inject it into the plate. The cells will become healthy! You receive an anti-vampire serum. Take this to Katya. She'll tell you to get her out of there. Drop off right and walk to the bars. Click on the shiny wand and aim it at the key. Click on the rope above the key and drag up. Then release the mouse. Finally, you have the key! Get back up to Katya and free her. Oh no! Count Bram thinks Katya is his wife! She'll smash the window to pieces. Follow her out. She'll grab the syringe, and tell you to follow her. So stay behind her and she'll led the way. The count will turn into a bat to keep up with you. Quickly, you take out the syringe. Aim it at the bat and fire! It's not that hard. Count Bram will become a mortal again and forgive you. Then he'll disappear into the painting of his wife. Christopher comes in at this exact moment and shouts out that he has come to save Katya. Ha-ha! She will kiss him and run off somewhere. Sheesh! You can go ahead and pick up the Island Medallion he left behind. Yes! You've finally defeated the vampire's curse! Or so you think...

Members-only Vampire Cure Quest

But wait! The adventure isn't over yet for Poptropica Members! Christopher says he has a surprise for Katya. He tells us that Count Bram turned him into a vampire! Suddenly, Cactus von Garlic will burst through the door. But it's too late for you. You've become a vampire! Quick, find a cure for yourself! You will have to accumulate the same ingredients as before, but they are in different places. Let's start...
Cactus von Garlic will be following you around a lot and shooting you, but don't mind him; he's harmless. Now, for the ingredients:
  1. Garlic This is one of the most hidden ones, but it's very easy to find. In the hall that you start off in, fly above the fireplace and locate the third-from-left chandelier. Fly a little to the left of this and fly through a small hole in the wall. You'll find yourself in a small storage room. Fly left, avoiding the red spiders. It's not so tough. Near the floor, you'll find the garlic. Leave the room.
  2. Wolfsbane Just outside the door to the book hall, run left and through the red archway. Fly left and through the tiny hole in the first shack. Avoiding the poison ivy, fly in a little circular path to the center of the room and grab the pinkish wolfsbane. Leave the room.
  3. Mandrake Fly left from the place you are now and go to the cliffs area, where you met the wolf. Fly straight down and through the little cave area. You'll be surrounded by hundreds of roots, but the one you need is to the far right. You'll notice it's the one because it has a lighter color. Leave the cave.
Yes! You finally have all of the ingredients! Fly back to the castle and to the laboratory. You'll automatically mix up the formula and give it to yourself. Hooray! You're back to your normal self. You inform Cactus von Garlic that there's a cure for being a vampire. So he changes his title from Vampire Destroyer to Vampire Savior. What a weirdo.
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