Poptropica Hydra Scale

Poptropica Hydra Scale

  1. Poptropica Hydra Scale 1

Poptropica Hydra Scale 1

The Hydra is hidden away in an air-filled cave in the realm of Poseidon through a maze in the lake.
If you're back to the village and head to the grove of temples, you will find Poseidon's realm just past the Hades temple on the right and you can use the mud elevators to get down there. Use the starfish from his statue to place on the altar in the temple and the entrance to his realm will open up. There will be a beach scene with Triton as surfer-dude life guard and bikini girls hanging out. Aphrodite will give you a test in order to win a magic mirror and once you have completed this you can jump into the water and dive through into the rock maze. Use the air bubbles to get more oxygen and go up the top, down the right hand side and then across the bottom, you will
notice the entrance to the Hydra cave near the giant Rock Oyster with the pearl. If you jump for it when the shell is closed then it will open up.
The Hydra will attempt to attack you by thrusting its heads at you. You can time your attack by jumping as it rears back and you see the eyes bulging out, if you land on top of his head then you will knock it out and you need to repeat this for all five heads. Once you have done this you can swim down and get a scale from the unconscious monster.

The Hydra is located in its cave, which is an underwater air pocket in the realm of Poseidon. To get there, you must swim through an underwater cavern. When battling the Hydra, each one of its heads will rear back and plunge down towards you. When that happens, jump and land on them. This will knock them out. Jul 11, 2011  Mythology Island Items Here is a list of all the items that you can get in Mythology Island. Mythology Island is one of the coolest islands in Poptropica, where you will meet many of the famous Gods and Goddess from Greek Mythology, including Aphrodite, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. The Hydra is in a large air-filled cave at the bottom of Poseidon's underwater maze. Dive in from the beach, swim along the top, right side, and bottom to reach the cave. The bubbles are oxygen refills, so it is hard to run out. The giant pearl is just outside the cave.

First you have to get all the sacred items on zueses scroll then go to the tree of imortalaty.when you get there athena will tell you the items are dangerous then Zeus comes down and steels your five sacred items so he can rule poptropica then you go back to where hercules is Hint after Zeus comes you should talk to athena again before going to hercules. Once you get to hercules tell him the the third thing on your list of things to say the take out Aphrodite's mirror then go to hades then go to piosidon and then go to Zeus battle and defeat him to defaet the island