Poptropica How To Get To Hades

Get the Pomegranates from Herc's Hero Hut! Then, offer them at the offering alter which is located in Hades' temple in the grove of temples. Then, play the song you learned on the pipe that you should have retrieved from Apollo's Temple(the music temple) that is located on the hill on the left of the Underworld. Cerberus will fall asleep and you simply must grab a whisker.
To retrieve the Hydra Scale:
Go to the Museum and retrieve the starfish attached to the face of a statue. Bring it to the Temple of Poseidon located on the hill on the right of the underworld. Offer it as a gift. Enter the Water Temple. Play the god-guess-game that Aphrodite gives and when you get all the answers right, you will recieve a tele-mirror that you can use to tele anywhere. Swim into the underwater cave. Jump on the hydra's heads when it strikes and when it's completely unconscious, take a scale.
To retrieve the flower:
Pull all the levers and release the 2 wooden pipes until all the water flows. Then, go back to the goddess and she'll give you the rainbow rose.
The Pearl:
Get the pearl when the clam is open near the underwater cave.
I don't know about the ring, I will tell you when I get it!

1. After you've collected all five items (and the mirror fromAphrodite), go to Athena (near the stairs leading to the immortaltree) and talk to her. She'll tell you to go get Hercules, and tohurry.

2. Go to Hercules and talk to him. After you talk to him, themirror will show up. Click Hades's sign (the skull). Hercules willthen push the boulder out of the way. Go in, and talk to Hades.He'll give you his crown.


3. After he gives you his crown, leave to Hercules (who is rightoutside). Hercules will ask you where to next. Click on Poseidon'ssign (the Trident).

4. You'll arrive underwater. Hercules will stomp on a brickright away. When He's done talking, go under to Poseidon's 'lair.'Talk to Poseidon, and he'll give you his Trident.

Oct 21, 2010 Well. To go into a secret place in hades temple u must get some pomegranates somewhere in mythology poptropica. (i forgot but other users will help u.) anyways u go inside his temple with the.

5. After he gives you his Trident, go back to Hercules and he'llask where to next. Click on Zeus's sign (the Lightning Bolt).

How Do I Get To Hades In Poptropica

6. Once there, Hercules will open the gate, so you'll go in.There will be a snake, and Hercules will stomp on it. The snakewill turn out to be Medusa, and Hercules will turn into a statue,but that's okay, it's supposed to happen.

How To Get To Hades In Poptropica

7. Keep going until you see a man. He'll give you a wind bag forone drachma. You'll use it to get up to Zeus's place.

8. once you get to Zeus's place. He'll try to defeat you. Youhave to battle him to win.

And that's as far as I've gotten, hope it helps!