Poptropica Cheats Shrink Ray

Shrink Ray Island is the 20th island on Poptropica. A sound-updated version was released on November 20, 2014. A young genius has invented a ray gun that shrinks anything it touches — including you! But when the scientist and her invention go missing, you'll have to keep the shrink ray from falling into the wrong hands, and find a way to bring yourself back to normal size. To solve a problem. The shrink ray gun does exactly what you think it would: it shrinks things down to mini-size. Just face in a direction and press the space bar while you have the gun equipped and any Poptropicans in your path will be shrunk down to a tiny size.

Island Guide - Tips and Tricks!

A small science project is about to cause big trouble in Poptropica! The River City Science Fair is missing one of it's scientists, C.J., and it's up to you to find her!

Your journey begin at the River City Science Fair, where you'll meet C.J.'s parents and begin your quest that sends you straight to her apartment. The only problem is, you'll quickly find yourself on the wrong end of a shrink ray device!

Poptropica cheats shrink ray island full

Your miniature self will be exploring C.J.'s apartment for clues to her disappearance and how to un-shrink yourself. Once you have the answers your adventure will kick into overdrive as you make your way back to the school to get into a battle of epic proportions!


POPTROPICA TRIVIA: C.J.'s laptop password is 'Marie Curie' in leet speak, an internet language of replacing letters with numbers or other computer symbols. Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and discovered Radium and Polonium!

Poptropica Cheats Shrink Ray Island Password

This Island feeling overwhelmingly large? Check out the Shrink Ray walkthrough video above!

Poptropica Cheats Shrink Ray

Did You Know: Members who complete Shrink Ray Island get two additional prizes!!

Poptropica Cheats For Shrink Ray

Crazy about Shrink Ray Island? Get the free wallpaper and poster today!