Poptropica Big Nate

Each episode contains a let's play for an island played through from start to finish, without any help. Enjoy my rambling, play style and frustrations with each of the Poptropica islands. IDK's Total Poptropica Backup Out Now! Click Here To Access A Better Poptropica Backup With All The Old Scenes Of The Game! Chose An Island To Go To ↵ Early Poptropica ↵ Shark Tooth ↵ 24 Carrot ↵ Big Nate ↵ Super Power ↵ Great Pumpkin ↵ Lunar Colony.

Big Nate Island is a quirky quest that takes place in the world of Big Nate, a popular comic strip from Lincoln Pierce. Here are all the cheats for Big Nate Island.

From your balloon when you land at Big Nate Island, go to the right side and you will see Comic Book store go there and look for a man on your right side with eyeglass.

Speak to him and help him look for the missing pieces of the comic, and he will give you the missing pictures of the comic that you have to complete. Go back to the Main Street and enter to the Pop-In Shoppe, jump on the third floor and pick up the piece of comic on the couch. Back to the Main Street go straight to your right side and go to the Photo Store and get the another piece of comic on the top of the spotlight. Now go outside and jump to the post and get the page of the comic at the top of the post.

Jump down and run to your right side until you arrived at the School Zone and go inside. On the right side there is a stairs and pick up the pieces of comic. While on the school go to the Science Lab on the second floor and get the piece of comic on the left side near to the picture of the solar system. Go out to the school and jump on the windowsill and jump until you get to the second floor of the windowsill, on the right side and grab the other piece of the comic. When you get the another page of the comic run to the playground and jump until you reach the top, a missing piece of a comic is on the air. To get the other page, on the air wait for it to get close to you and grab it by jumping.

All the way to the right there is a tower on the Puffin Point, go up by jumping on the ladder, bars and get the piece of comic on the top of the tower. Once you get it, use the telescope and move it to the right side of your screen and you will see a paper that is under the rock.

Now close the telescope and jump on the tower on the left side of the tower, were you and get the Old Photograph. Tip if you miss to get the Old Photograph, go back to the tower and jump over it. It is just floating on the air near the tower. When you completed the missing pages of the comic, arrange them and you will see a NINE THREE ZERO FIVE. Go back to the Main Street and get inside the Comic Shop tell the man that you complete the missing pieces of the comic. He will give you a Pack of Stale Gum.

When you got the Bubble Gum go out and get back to the Photo Shop and talk to the man with a fat belly. Give the Old Photograph to him and he will give you a Scuba Gear as a reward. From the Main Street go ahead to the School Zone and then to the Science Lab and get the test tube pour the blue half of the test tube and the yellow liquid a little bit of it to make a Stink Bomb. Get out on the Science Lab and go to the locker area and use the combination number NINE THREE ZERO FIVE to open the locker.

After you opened the locker, the books will push you backward but go back to the locker and get the School Blue Print. When the School Blue Print is on your hands, go to the signage NO GUM CHEWING. Use the Pack of Stale Gum and chew it, funny isn’t it? Wait for the lady to talk to you for not following the rules. As a penalty, you will bring to the detention area. While the lady is talking use the Stink Bomb that you made, to make the room smell bad. After you use the Stink Bomb, the lady will go out you can now sneak on the green cabinet and open it. A secret passage will open use the ladder wood will help you go down. When you get there it may be dark, push the lights on, at the side of the ladder. If you can see a Bell Clapper thing hanging on the hook near on the lights, pick it up. At the time you get the Bell Clapper go up to the ladder by jumping on the door. And go out to the school and run to the left until you reach again to the Puffin Point where the paper under the rock is.

Now for you to get it, use the Scuba Gear and dive to the sea and go look for the Lobster Trap near to the Oyster beds. Once you get the Lobster Trap and if you run out of oxygen, you will be go back to the Oyster Beds area. You will see a man looking at you and talk to him and exchange your Lobster Trap to a Lobster and a Jet Ski Keys. Now since you get a Lobster, go up to the tower and change the direction of the light on the top of the tower using the Lobster you’ve get. In short use the Lobster on the lights from the right direction to the left direction to light the school, this will scare the bird on the bell and fly away on its nest. Now jump again downward and get into the Jets Ski, and Big Nate will challenge you in a race. You have to win the race but be careful on the appliances that were on the sea and the egg of some birds that will hurt you. Tip: the best way to win this race is to drive faster more than Big Nate do, always go ahead of him and one more thing every three seconds the birds, appliances will appear to make you slow.

At the end of the competition, jump on the top of the platform rock and push the seals to your left side to get the paper on the middle of the rocks. Get the Map of the Capsule on the middle of the rocks, and then go back to the Puffin Point and proceed to the School Zone. When you arrived at the School Zone, remember the bell where you put the direction of the light on the tower? Go there by jumping on the windowsills of the school. Then use the Bell Clapper to ring the bell.

When the students heard the bell, go back to the playground and enter to the signage KIDS ONLY. There is a paper on the left side that has a sign GO TO JAIL. Click on it and form a CHARACTER word, click each letter that you need. After you complete the word, you will get a Peanut Butter Crackers. Now go down and give the Peanut Butter Crackers to the dog. When the dog comes to get the Peanut Butter Crackers, he will dig up the ground and you will see a box, which is the Capsule.

Click on the Capsule and zoom in on it.

Poptropica big nate cheats

There is a pearl inside the Capsule that is worth as much as necessary money to save the school. After you get the pearl, a newspaper will appear and your face on the front-page. Close button and you will arrived at the School Zone and the lady will give you the Island Medallion. Congratulations!!!


Big Nate Island

Enter the world of Big Nate, a wisecracking sixth-grader who holds the all-time world record for detentions at his school. You have to help him find a treasure that was buried some 100 years ago, that could help save Nate's school from closing down. Nate doesn't really care if it does, though...

Poptropica Cheats for Big Nate Island

Let's get rich! Once you arrive on the island, talk to Nate. Then go right and into the Klassic Komics shop. Go right and talk to Gordie, the owner of the shop and Nate's older sister (Ellen)'s boyfriend. He will give you the title piece of a comic you need to put together. Now leave the store and go left into the Pop-In Shoppe. Go to the top floor, and pick up your first comic piece off the sofa. Exit the building and go right, past the comic shop and Cap'n Salty's. Go into the building shaped like a huge camera and go right. Jump onto the stool, and then pick up another comic piece from the top camera light. Talk to School Picture Guy at the left, and then leave the building.

Poptropica Big Nate Seagull

Make your up the telephone/electric pole to the right. There at the top you'll find your third piece. Drop off the pole and then go right to the School. Watch Nate talk to Jenny and Gina before going inside. You can watch Nate with his crush (Jenny) here again. Climb up the stairs and collect the next piece from the broken speaker to the right. You're halfway there! Go left and into the science lab. Go left and pick up the fifth piece. Now go right again to the science experiment. Let's spice things up a a bit... Pour some blue and some yellow liquid into the beaker to make a greenish solution. And then turn the burner heat up to the max (4.)
Pretty soon it'll start boiling and releasing a greenish gas into the air. Yuck! A stink bomb! Clog it up and put it in your inventory. Exit the school and climb up the scaffolding to the right of it. Collect the comic piece there. Then go right to the next area, into the playground. Climb up a little and you'll find the seventh piece blowing in the air. It's really not that hard to get it... after you have, go into the 'NO TEACHERS ALLOWED' clubhouse at the top of the area. Go left and beat the 'Go to Jail' game there. It's just classic Hangman. Nate will give you some dog biscuits as a reward. Hey!!! What a cheapie prize! And you can't even eat it. Don't worry about winning the Table Football game to the left. Just leave the clubhouse.
Go right, into the lighthouse area (or Puffin Point.) Climb the lighthouse and collect the last comic piece at the top. Spot the distant island out of the telescope. Then jump off and try to collect the old flying picture to the left of the structure. You may have to try this repeatedly. When you're done, start re-arranging the comic pieces. The correct order is:
  1. lost guy
  2. talks to Nate...
  3. ...about the Art Room
  4. Nate tells him where to stand
  5. guy is skeptic ('but...')
  6. Nate opens locker (with a 'FOOM!')
  7. Nate asks Teddy where he flew
  8. Nate curses ('Dang!..')
Hooray! Take the finished comic back to Gordie in Klassic Komics and he will reward you with something you can actually eat -- a pack of gum. Wait... is it even edible after all these years??? Why can't you get some decent snacks on this island?! Leave the building now, and into the photo shop. Give School Picture guy (at the left) the old picture you found earlier. He will give you his scuba gear in exchange. Run back to Puffin Point, and after talking to Cap'n Saltly, dive in.
You have a limited amount oxygen, so you will have to do this part fast. Unlike Mythology you can't collect oxygen. Just go to the bottom, and make your way left. Collect the trap and wait for your oxygen to run out or swim back to shore. Give the captain his trap, and he will let you have the lobster inside. What the... Hey, food! Wait! Don't eat it yet! Use the keys he gave you to ride the jet ski out to the island you saw earlier. Oh, dang! Big Nate is racing us.
What you'll have to do to beat him is, jump at the right time to avoid the obstacles (you click to jump.) You'll have to just time your jump, because if you stay at the very back Nate will beat you for sure. Stay halfway between the middle and very front. Nate is easy to beat; I did it on my first try! Once on the island, get onto the flat rock and push both seals to the very left. Go down and collect the rock wedged in between the rock and island. Now head back to the main island.
After studying the map, you probably know what to do. Climb to the top of the lighthouse and use that lobster you desperately wanted to eat earlier to turn the light around and get that pesky seagull out of the way. If you go there you'll find that the clapper of the bell is missing. Darn! Okay, mission over. Wait! I have a way... get into the school and study that comic more closely. Hey, it has a locker code on it! Use it (9305) to get into Nate's locker on the top floor. After you've recovered from that exploding locker, get over there and collect the map revealing the 'hidden room.' Wait... you'll have to get into the detention room to get to it!
Okay, time to make trouble. Get onto the bottom floor and start chewing that stale gum. Pretty soon Mrs. Godfrey (Nate's teacher/arch-enemy) will catch you. Once you're in the detention room, use that hideous stink bomb you made earlier in the science lab. You'll stink Mrs. Godfrey out of there in no time! Now go into (that's right, INTO) the file cabinet. Pretty soon you'll find yourself in a dark room. Climb down and fumble for the light switch. Once you've got it on (it's on the left), go right and collect that bell clapper you've been looking all over for from the roof. Take it to the top of the school (near where you found the comic on the scaffolding.)
Attach the bell clapper, then ring it. You'll see those talkative girls move off the playground. Run over there and drop down a biscuit (so it came in handy after all...) Spitsy the dog will come and dig there. And... what's this? Could it be that treasure??? Well, click on it to find out! Pull it out of the ground, then press the gold button on it to open it and reveal... a GIANT PEARL!!! You're rich!
Oh, darn. Those school people are collecting your hard-earned treasure to save some already-doomed school. And Nate's getting all the credit for it!!! Not a very happy ending. Well, you shouldn't be selfish. But... yes! That long-anticipated Island Medallion.
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