Poptropica has released another new island called Mission Atlantis. It is an episodic island, just like Survival Island, and the first episode is called Into the Deep. In this episode, you’ll go deep underwater to the bottom of the ocean on a mission to photograph rare fish. But at the end of the episode, something strange happens that uncovers an even deeper mystery. Click on the video above for the full video walkthrough, or read on for the written walkthrough!
- Aug 08, 2014 The third and final episode of Mission: Atlantis Episode 3 – Out of the Blue is available for members to play now. Here is the video walkthrough. The written walkthrough will be posted soon on the main Mission: Atlantis page.
- Sep 04, 2014 In the Poptropica Island, Mission Atlantis Episode 1, the film maker, Cam Jameson, is shooting an underwater movie. He needs your help to get the footage that he needs! Below is the Video Cheats Walkthrough and then below that is the fill written walkthrough!
Here is the cheats walkthrough guide for Poptropica’s Survival Island episode 3, Distress Signal. You will find both a video walkthrough as well as a written one below to help you get through this episode of Survival Island! If you haven;’t already guessed it, in this episode.
Mission: Atlantis Walkthrough (Episode 1)
Episode 1 Video Walkthrough
Episode 1 Written Walkthrough
When you arrive on the island, talk to the guy in black wearing a headset. He is Cam Jameson, a famous filmmaker, and he needs your help getting footage of underwater sea life for his newest film. The problem is that he can’t find the key to his submarine (the crew is keeping it from him). Your first task is to get the key so that you can unlock the sub and get some footage of those fish!
Start the island by talking with Cam.
Jump up and to the right, where you’ll see a guy with a red beard and a white helmet. If you look closely, he’s holding something in his hand. It’s the key! But if you talk to him, he won’t give it up. Jump up onto the platform above him, where you’ll see a bucket. Click on it and it will tip over, splashing water onto the guy with the red beard. You’ll also pick up the bucket and put it into your backpack. Now it’s time to jump overboard (really!) Run to the right and jump into the water. Swim over to the life raft with the Octopus in it. Click on the Octopus and he’ll spit out some black ink into your bucket. Next, go back up to the same platform where you found the bucket and then Use the bucket in your backpack. You’ll knock the bucket over again, this time spilling ink onto the guy’s head. He’ll cover his eyes and drop the key to the ground. Jump down and pick it up. Now run back to Cam and he’ll tell you to take the sub. Run to the left and click on the lock on the crate to open it, which reveals the sub. Click on the sub to get inside and begin your underwater adventure to find footage of the fish!
Head down into the ocean and you’ll soon come across a Seadragon. Cam will appear on your communicator and tell you what to do. Basically, you just need to click on the fish and then make sure you’re in front of it for a few seconds to capture the footage. This is the easiest fish to photograph–the others involve solving simple puzzles. After you get the footage of the Seadragon, head deeper down into the water to find the remaining fish.
Once you arrive in the deeper area, go to the left and down a bit. You’ll see the Barreleye hiding out over on the left side of the zone. He’s resting by a vent and behind a rock wall. You need to flush him out to get your footage. First, click on the orange vent on the outside wall next to him. This will force him to swim down, where he’ll rest next to a green vent. Now click on the green one on the outside and he’ll swim to the right. Repeat this once more with the blue vent and he’ll swim up into the open, where you can click on him to get the footage you need.
The Stonefish is a shy guy who hides on the sea floor. Go up and to the right from where you got the footage of the Barreleye and then down to the very bottom where you’ll see the Stonefish. He won’t move while he can see you, so bring your sub to the left and hide behind the yellow coral there. Once you’re in place, the Stonefish will swim out from his hiding place and you can click on him to get your footage.
Purple Cuttlefish
Your goal is to get the purple cuttlefish to swim into the red coral here so that you can get your footage.
Now head up and to the right and you’ll see several Cuttlefish swimming in the red and purple coral above. Your job is to get footage of the rare purple Cuttlefish. But you can’t get the footage when he’s hiding in the purple coral, as he’ll be camouflaged. Whenever you run into one of the Cuttlefish, they’ll swim away to the nearest empty coral. Use this to your advantage by navigating the fish so that the only open spot is red coral. Then push one of the purple Cuttlefish so that he has to go into the red coral, where you can click on him to get the footage you need. The red coral you are aiming for is near the top-right of the area where all the Cuttlefish are hanging out.
Angler Fish
OK, now there’s just one more fish to photograph, and he’s in a different area. Bring your sub back to where you first spotted the Barreleye in the top-left. Follow the arrow to the left from there to enter the next zone. Here’s a funny part: to move to the next zone, you’ll temporarily exit your sub and run past the advertisement. When you arrive at the end, you’ll be in the new area back in your sub. I guess Poptropica couldn’t figure out how to keep you in your sub in the advertisement zones. When you arrive, you’ll be in a maze. The trick with the Angler Fish is to keep him feeding long enough to get the footage. The way to do this is to bring him some smaller fish to eat. As you navigate through the maze, you’ll find little red fish who will follow your sub once you move on top of them. Keep them away from the purple spiky plants along the walls, or they’ll get scared and swim away. There are six little red fish in total, but you only need to gather three or four of them. Once you have them, head over to where the Angler Fish is hiding, in the center of the maze. See this handy maze map for where to find both the Angler Fish and all six little red fish:
Here’s where to find the Angler Fish and the little red fish in the maze.
The Hydromedusa
OK, you have your fish footage. Head back up to the right and run back to the previous area. Once you arrive, you’ll see a jellyfish-like thing in front of you. Cam Jameson comes back on the communicator to tell you that this is a Hydromedusa and he wants you to follow it. The Hydromedusa swims off to the right to a new area. Follow it. You’ll find yourself in deep, dark water near a ledge. Move out to the right and you’ll spot the Hydromedusa. Click on it to get the footage… …Suddenly, your surrounded by several Hydromedusae. This doesn’t look good! They all start to send out electrical shocks, which causes your submarine to overload and lose power. You sink slowly into the depths… Now go to the right, and you’ll find yourself on a ledge. The camera pans out to reveal an underwater scene with some kind of futuristic-looking shipwreck in the background. You can also spot the silhouettes of whales swimming nearby. At this point, episode one of Mission: Atlantis ends, and you’ll receive your island medallion. Exploring Atlantis itself will need to be saved for future episodes. Congratulations! So, what do you think of Episode 1 of Mission: Atlantis? Post your feedback in the comments below!
Mission: Atlantis Walkthrough (Episode 2)
Here’s the video walkthrough for Episode 2 of Mission: Atlantis in Poptropica.
Mission: Atlantis Walkthrough (Episode 3)
Here is the video walkthrough for Episode 3 of Mission: Atlantis in Poptropica.
In the Poptropica Island, Mission Atlantis Episode 1, the film maker, Cam Jameson, is shooting an underwater movie. He needs your help to get the footage that he needs! Below is the Video Cheats Walkthrough and then below that is the fill written walkthrough!
Mission Atlantis Episode 1 Cheats
Poptropica Atlantis 3 Walkthrough 1
When you first get to the island, talk to Cam Jameson. He will give you the Sea Creatures file and then ask you to find the key to the sub so that you guys can film the greatest fish story ever told.
Cheat or Hint: If you go over to the left a bit, you can see the Bubble Sub is locked in a crate. That’s what you need to unlock!
Our first goal now is to find an empty bucket. So go right until you get just pass some rope on the ship deck. You will see three crates. Jump up and keep jumping up until you see a bird’s nest, from the bird’s nest, jump left and then down one platform where you will see a bucket!
Click on the bucket and it will tip over onto someones head. If you jump down and talk to the guy, you will find out that he is holding onto the key for the sub. He says you cannot have it because the safety of the crew is at stake.
Now just below you, you will see an octopus, go ahead and click on the octopus and he will fill your empty bucket up with ink!
Now, remember where we found the bucket and dumped the water on top of the man’s head? Go back there, select the ink bucket from your items list, and you will then dump the ink onto the man! You will then see that he drops the key that you need! Go down there and pick up the key.
Now that we have the key to the sub, we get to drive it! Go back to Cam Jameson and tell him you have the key. Then, unlock the sub and jump in.
![Poptropica mission atlantis episode 3 walkthrough Poptropica mission atlantis episode 3 walkthrough](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ucpnu2MDr8U/maxresdefault.jpg)
Now we are basically going to drive around and when Cam tells us to, we are going to film some creatures. All you need to do when you find the creature he wants you to is keep them in front of the sub! When he tells you that you can stop filming then move on and find the next creature.
The first creature is a sea horse and is pretty much right below you (next to a reef).
You will now you are done filming the creature when the card of the creature is added to the Sea Creature File.
Now go deeper. A new screen should load. When it does, start to go down between the rocks. Down and to the left a bit, you will see another creature called a barreleye stuck between rocks. To get him out and to film him, you need to plug the things that have air bubbles coming out until he is finally released! Just go next to them and click on them!
Do this 3 times and he will then be free right above you. Go ahead and go right next to him and face him. To film him, just click on him!
Now, remember where you first saw the barreleye, there was an arrow pointing to the left between some of the rocks. Go ahead and go to that section!
This is where you will find the Angler Fish to film him!
Cheats or Hints: The Angler Fish will only show its face to eat! So you must be on top of your filming game.
This part of Mission Atlantis Episode 1 is a bit tricky. Just to your left, you will see you can either go up or down. Go down and you will see a little gold fish in the corner to your left a bit. You should also be able to see the head of the Angler Fish just below you!
Now, one fish will not be enough so we need to find a bunch of them!
Look throughout the rocks for a bunch of these gold fish and just go by them so that they follow you!
Cheats or Hints: Watch out for the purple urchins, if you run into these with fish following you, all of the fish will stop following and you will need to start over!
There are 6 little gold fish in total although I think you only need 3 or 4 to get the Angler Fish Card!
You need to get this little gold fish to follow you down there and then hold the sub steady so that you can get the filming of the Angler Fish!
When you have gotten the Angler Fish card, go back to where you found the Barreleye Fish and go right. You will see another opening between some rocks that goes down to the right a bit. Follow this path into the next section!
When you get here, you will see a Rare Purple Cuttlefish swim up and to the right.
Now, this fish is a bit harder to film. As you will see, the closer you get to it, the more it moves and you can’t get a good shot. You need to get it all the way up to open water where it will let you film it. Do this by swimming by the red Cuttlefish which will move to spots where the purple one wants to move. If the red ones move there first, the purple Cuttlefish will have no choice but to swim to a different spot until you get him to the correct one! I hope that makes sense, if not, check out the video walkthrough at the 5 minute mark!
When you do it right, he will stay in one spot and let you film. This spot is the highest and most to the right of any of the Cuttlefish.
Now we need to get a picture of the Stonefish which is all the way to the bottom of this very section. As you can see, he will not come out if he can see us. Go to the left a bit between all of that yellow stuff and hide until he comes out! Then get the shot you need.
After you get the shot of the Stonefish, you will see the Hydromedusa swim by you. As you can see now, we need to go to the right into that next section! Follow the Hydromedusa over there.
Go to the right a bit and you will see the Hydromedusa in the middle of the water. Get a good shot of it! Oh no, all of its friends are surrounding you and the sub has now shut down and is now going way to deep!
When you stop sinking, you will need to start moving right so you can get out of here! Slowly, some things will start to appear out of the darkness. What is it?! Could it be the lost city of Atlantis?
You will now receive your island medallion! How did the cheats walkthrough guide for the Poptropica Mission Atlantis Island Episode 1 help you?!